Suggested Reading

Books on Zen

The following books can all be considered classics, written by teachers who each had incalculable impacts on the migration of Zen to the West, and its assimilation into Western culture.  

“Taking the Path of Zen”, by Robert Aitken

  • Perhaps the most straightforward and approachable introduction to Zen;  Zen 101.

“On Zen Practice”, Taizan Maezumi & Bernie Glassman

  • An excellent introduction to Zen by Maezumi Roshi and his first Dharma successor.

“Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”, Shunryu Suzuki

  • Talks on Zen by the founder of the San Francisco Zen Center.

“The Three Pillars of Zen”, Philip Kapleau

  • A more thorough introduction to many aspects of Zen practice and experience by the founder of the Rochester Zen Center.

Basic Buddhist Teachings

“The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings”, Thich Nhat Hanh

  • A clear rendering and commentary on the major Buddhist teachings, including the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

“The World’s Religions”, Huston Smith

  • The chapter on Buddhism is an excellent introduction through the perspective of comparative religion.  This is a very approachable treatment for the lay person – not a scholarly tome.